How Did The Old Folks Do It?

We must not forget the past! With all of the natural and man made threats in the world today, we must not let the skills of the past be forgotten. Our childrens lives may depend on it someday.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What if I get sick or hurt.

This is an extremely valuable book to have if there is a break down in medical service. It can be found by clicking the Amazon link Below.

Did you know fish antibiotics are made by the same people that make ours? The big difference is the strength, usually 1/2 that of a human dose. If you should are to take one 500mg amoxicillin pill you would need to take 2 pet amoxicillin pills. If you decide you need some antibiotics around, stay away from the tetracycline family. If they get old they become dangerous most of the others just get weaker as time passes. Also, if you are allergic to any human drugs, you will also be allergic to pet meds. They can be purchased at the link below the book link. I highly recommend the book. If after reading you want to buy the antibiotics you have the link. Do so at your own risk. That said, we have used them for years. This post is not intended to give any medical advise, only to point you to the information that is out there. Any action that you take is at your own risk and responsibility. I do recommend you have a GOOD first aid kit and a home fire extinguisher.... Please subscribe to our feed below, and email us to a friend.

How To Cook Without Utilities For Free

Here we have cut away version of the humble "Hobo Stove" This can be made out of any can from a soda can, up to a cleaned paint can. You can use a tea candle or votive in the small cans, and almost anything the will burn safely in the large can. They are very quick and easy to make.
The basic proceedure is to take a coffee can poke holes around the base about a 1/2" from the bottom and a 1/2" down from the top about 2" apart. Then drop a hand full of small rocks in the bottom, or anything that won't burn or melt to act as a "grate". Throw in the sticks and fire that puppy up. There are many versions of this you can find if you google "hobo stove" take your choice. Note, this should be used outside and don't use "soft" stones like sandstone for your grate, they could explode. :)

How Do I Can It

The #1 Rule of thumb "Keep it clean", "Use the correct process"
How to pick the right canner? If you want to can everything buy the large presto pressure cooker shown in the top picture, About $80. If you just want to can tomatoes, fruits, and jelly, buy the water bath canner in the bottom picture, About $20.
I'm not going into "How to can" Ball and the Government have excellent web sites giving you all you need to know. Google " canning _________". [ fill in the blank]
Here are the important highlights;
1. Use "canning jars" [ Ball and Kerr are the top sellers ] other jars can break.
2. Make sure the jar rim is smooth. If not, pitch it. It won't seal.
3. You can reuse the "rings" [ the screw on thingy ] you CANNOT reuse the lid. [the flat thingy]
4. Wash then Boil jars for 15 min. before using.
5. Put lids in pan cover with water and Boil for 10 min. let them in water
6. Use a canning funnel to fill jars, and canning tongs to remove jars from canner.
7. You must leave at least 1/2" space between contents and the rim if the jar.
8. Make SURE rim is clean before placing the lid
9. Center lid on rim screw on ring. Do not over tighten ring. When it freely stops turning, just give it a slight turn. Make sure ring went on straight. There should be no gap between the ring and lid.
10. Boil all tools that will come in direct contact with food . Remember, KEEP IT CLEAN!
11. Use the right size jar for your intended use. If you want two servings use pints, if you need 4 servings use quarts. The goal is to have NO LEFTOVERS.

12. After you have strictly followed the canning guidelines, remove finished product from canner and set on a section of newspaper or towel to cool leaving about 4-6" between jars for air to circulate. Shortly you will hear the ping of a successful seal.
13. After two hours check the jars for a seal. The middle of the lid should have a small dimple in it. If you are not sure, lightly press on the CENTER of the lid. There should be NO GIVE, it should be solid, tight. If the jar did not seal put it in the frig and use within 3 days
14. Once sealed the rings may be removed or left on. Store in the coolest, darkest space you have, where they won't get knocked around.

NOTE; A pressure cooker will act as a water bath canner if you do not tighten the lid and leave the weight off the steam vent stem.

Our next post will cover cooking issues. Bookmark, grab our feed, email us to a friend in need.

Get The Biggest Bang For The Effort From Your Garden

A garden can be a lot of work. The last thing you need when planning for an on going food source is failure. This post is not intended to tell you "How To Grow A Garden", it is intended to help you avoid the many potholes you will encounter. You can google "How to grow_________" [fill in the blank] for specific information.

There are two huge producers you should concentrate on when choosing what to plant, tomatoes and bush beans. They will give you the most food in the least space with a minimum amount of effort. There are 7 basic elements to a successful harvest, and a supply of seeds for next year.
1. Use non-hybrid plants or seeds. Commonly called "heirloom" varieties.
2. Location for you garden must have Full sun at least 3/4's of the day. All day is best.
3. Good drainage. Plants must have water, but they will die if they sit in it.
4. Loose ground so the roots can breath grow.
5. Food, I use Miracle Grow Shake and Feed. [ Great stuff ]
6. Enough space between the plants so they can grow without competing with each other for food.
7. KEEP THE WEEDS AWAY!! They will steal everything your plants need to live.

Why heirloom? Why tomatoes and bush beans?

Saving the seeds [ google how to save _________seeds ] from a non-hybrid, will insure you get the exact same plant next year as you had this year. If you save seeds from a genetically engineered hybrid, you could get anything or nothing, you just don't know.

Three dozen tomato plants will give you all the tomatoes you can handle. [They should be started indoors about a month before moving to the garden] Similarly 50 to 75 feet of bush beans will do the same.

When planting tomatoes plants, put them into the ground up to the first set of leafs, and remember they grow like a weed. If your the ambitious sort, you can stake [5-6'] and tie them to keep them under control. Or you can do nothing. After planting, I spread straw under them and let them go wild. This keeps the slugs from gnawing on them AND keeps down the weeds.

Two other huge producers are cucumbers and zucchini. Both can be made into pickles. The draw back is a little striped bug(ger) called the cucumber beetle. One bite from these $##%##^ & and the plant is done.

There are all types of bagged dry sauce mixes you can buy to make use of your tomatoes, or you can just can them whole.
[Easy way to remove skins on peaches and tomatoes for canning . Take a large pot, fill to half with water, bring to boil, put peaches / tomatoes in till skin begins to wrinkle, drop immediately into ice water till cool, skins come right off.]

There are also mixes to make pickles. [ Important, unless you want rubber pickles, CUT THE A 1/4" OFF EACH END. Use cold cucumbers, and a 1/8 teaspoon of "PICKLING" Salt helps. Do not use regular salt.

Just a reminder, when canning for emergencies, use the smallest jar you can completely use at one time. You may not have electricity to refrigerate the left overs. Make sure to wash in cold water all fruits and Veggies before canning.

Our next post will cover the canning process. Ya all come back now, ya hear. Bookmark us, Subscribe to our feed, email us to a friend in need.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The 72 Hour Decision

Once a disaster has happened, experts say you have 72 hours to make the decision to stay in place and ride it out, or to get out of dodge. [ Remember Katrina?] This decision should be made "BEFORE" the emergency. You need to have a plan. You need to test the plan. If this happens we do this. If that happens we that. Only you know the problems you could face in any given area, closed roads, no gas, riots, etc.

The important things are, you plan is workable, the family has it memorized, you have the means to execute it at a moments notice, and you have a pre-determined destination should the family get separated.

Each member should have a sports bag packed containing the needs of that member for the length of time you determine it may take to get to your final destination alone. You can find some ideas here;

Note: #1. The closer you get to the 72hr. time line, the harder it will be to leave, no gas, no food, angry people, closed roads, etc....

Note: #2 A few cheap compass / hand held GPS unit, and some walkie talkies can be invaluable.

Clean Water Is A Must


BOILING: The best method for purifying water in a disaster is to boil water
vigorously for 10 minutes.

PURIFICATION TABLETS:Available at most drug stores and camping supply stores. Carefully follow the directions on the package.

BLEACH PURIFICATION: Liquid household bleach (sodium hypochlorite 5.25%) can be used according to the chart below. Mix thoroughly in water and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight chlorine odor. If it doesn’t, repeat the dose and let the water stand for another 30 minutes. Do not use bleach with soaps, detergents, or scents added. If liquid pool chlorine is
used, (12% available chlorine) add half of the amounts of bleach shown on
the chart below.

Amount of Water Amount of Bleach (sodium hypochlorite 5.25%)

Clear Water / Cloudy Water
1 quart 2 drops 4 drops
1 gallon 8 drops 16 drops
5 gallons ½ tsp. 1 tsp.

1.An easy way to remove particulates from water is to strain through a coffee filter or a clean cotton sock.

2. Finding water is not that hard. Saving rainwater is the easiest. Go here
for other suggestions.

Note: #1.A 5 gallon plastic bucket and a heavy garbage bag makes a waterless toilet. When done, take the bag out and bury it, put in a new bag, and your ready to "GO" again :)

Note #2. Coleman makes an "outdoor" shower system you can use plain rain water in.

Note #3. Clean water and clean hands are a must in a disater. There may not be medical assistance available. Don't worry, we will cover that issue also.

Note #4. Store clean water in clean 2 litter soda bottles, there free. :)

But I just can't afford the extra money.

Yes, you can. Not only can you afford it, but I am going to show you right now how you can feed two people for a week, for $10.00 per person or less.

Most Americans speed into their favorite burger joint at least three times a week. By the time they speed away with a french fry dangling out of their mouth, they have dropped $7.00 into the "1st window". Sound familiar? Did you know that you can get a similar "amount" of food for $4.00 less?

The next time you go, choose from the $1.00 menu. At the golden arches for example, you can get a double cheese burger, small fries, and small drink for $3.00. Take the $4 bucks you just saved and put it aside. Do this for a week and you magically have $12.00 to spend on emergency food supplies. Take all your loose change from other purchases you have made that week and throw it in a cup. By the end of the week you will have more than $15.00 saved.

Now you are ready to begin to buy your insurance policy. Keep in mind the word "FEED" as I give you your shopping list. Remember the goal is to keep you going in an "Emergency" situation. Now, on to the list;
1. 6 mac n cheese @ 2/$1 = 6 meals
2. 12 Ramen Noodle Soup @ 12/$1 = 6 meals
3. 1qt Spaghetti sauce with meat @ $1 = 6 servings
4. 3 pkgs. Spaghetti / pasta @ 2/$1= 6 meals
5. 1 large Quaker Oats @ $2.00 = 6+ meals
6. 1 pkg. powdered chicken gravy @ .89 = 2servings
7. 2 canned chicken meat @ $1.69 = 2 meals
9. 1 can beef stew @ $3.89 = 1 meal
10. 1pkg. egg noodles @ $1.89 = 1meal
Total: Under $20.00 for two people. Pressure on your budget, zero.

I have just shown you you can afford it. There are many cheap " dry or canned" items in the stores that will keep you going in a pinch. We just need to keep our eyes open, and the brain engaged.

The next posting will show you how to prepare your food without "any" help from your local utilities. Make sure you don't miss it, add our feed, bookmark our blog.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Why Now?

Never before in the history of the human race has mankind had the ability to change the world overnight while you sleep. What "is" when you go to sleep tonight, may be gone by the time you wake in the morning.

The most pressing matters as I type this are; Iran / Israel, Israel / Syria, Syria / Lebanon, The free flow of oil, a terrorist attack on the infrastructure of the USA, or Nuclear detonations by terrorist in major American cities. Lastly radical Islamist take over of Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal. Any one of the above could happen at any moment without any warning, just like 9/11. How many reading this could survive without the "Just in Time" delivery system the retail industry runs on? Are you prepared to live without gas, banks, stores, water, food, for a few months? You say it'll never happen? 9/11 could never happen. A few well placed terrorist bombs can take down the power grid for extended period of time. A few ships sunk in the the right spots, can shut down mid east oil and make gas very scarce. A dirty bomb or a nuke in New York City will devastate the financial sector. So ask yourself again, could it happen overnight?
Now you have the answer to Why now. As the blog unfolds over time, you will learn what you and future generations must know to travel through this minefield. Make sure you bookmark / add the feed of this site to your favorites. The day may soon come when you need it.

Restoring Lost Knowledge. The Best Gift We Can Give Our Children.

Coming from the 50's something crowd, I continue to be amazed how technology has dumbed down younger Americans. We have fast everything these days, everything and anything is instantly at our finger tips. From the local mall to the INTERNET, if America wants it, it's only minutes away. Today we expect this as the daily norm, and indeed there are millions of young Americans that think this is the way it always was. However, we the over the hill gang know better.

All Americans want a better life for their kids than they had, but by achieving that goal, we have done them a massive injustice. Unwittingly we have taken away their ability to exist when the good times stop rolling. What would the children do if the power grid failed for a month, or oil was shut off for 6 months? Could they last long enough to ride out the storm? Sadly the answer is no.

In the few years we have left, it is incumbent upon our generation to dredge up the faint memories of a day gone by, to pass on the not so convenient ways of the past, to the generations of the future. The day may soon come, when we must look to the past to survive the future. I invite all readers to add any proven methods used in the past to deal with the obstacles of daily life.

It a nutshell you have the purpose of my blog. I will cover many issues in no particular order so please add my feed to your aggregater. If anyone has any pressing issues that have yet to be covered, please let me know. I will do my best to address them. Thanks to all for reading